Free Knitting Patterns

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If you have any trouble downloading any patterns, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment requesting that I send it to you via email! 🙂

Here is where you’ll find some patterns I’d like to share with you!

Click on the Ravelry buttons if you’d like to see how other knitters made out with the pattern.

4112907026_9182424088_o Chunky Lacy Cowl

Crocheted Mesh Scarf Crocheted Mesh Scarf

wordpress tiffany choker thumbnail Tiffany Choker

22 thoughts on “Free Knitting Patterns

  1. Love the chunky lace cowl pattern but have one question could you use homespun yarn instead of wool-ease thick and quick? Thanks

    1. Of course!! You could use anything really, but if you use a worsted weight for example, you’d want to cast on more stitches. The pattern is multiples of 11, so you’d have to judge how many extra pattern repeats you’d need.

  2. Just started the scarf and having only recently learned how to crochet I can’t believe how easy it is and how fast it’s coming together. So beautiful. Thanks for posting this pattern!

  3. Yes! Thank you for having exactly the right cowl pattern for my current attention level/yarn stash! Thank you!

  4. Hi,
    Just finished making your chunky lacey cowl. I used
    roving in subtle shades of pink and mauve instead of Thick & Quick and it came out great.

  5. HI Heidi,

    So excited to have run across this pattern. Just bought some beautiful aqua roving and was looking for a lacy cowl to make. I would love it if you would send the pattern.

    Thanks so much, Liz

  6. Hi Heidi,Love your chunky lace cowl and would like to make it for my daughter.I live in New Jersey and can not find the 13″ 18″ long needles anywhere.I tried Joanne”s, Michaels and AC More and none of them carrie that size. Only 13 and 29 inches long nothing smaller. What brand needles did you use. I am a beginner knitter. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. Just love this pattern.

    Thank you

    1. I know our Michaels doesn’t carry nearly enough sizes anymore, but I got mine at my local yarn shop. Usually they have every size under the sun! I think it’s the same bamboo brand that Michaels sells. That being said, you can also use the modified magic loop method, which just uses a much longer needle with pulling the excess cord through to hang loose. Of course you’d have to reposition the excess loop as you go around. Hopefully this link will help:

    1. Hi, sorry for the delay in responding. No, as with 99% of the patterns out there, mine are for personal use only. Thanks for asking!

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